Thursday, July 2, 2009

Released as a flower

Occasionally I go outside
Occasionally I go outside
I must tend to the garden the garden
I must tend to the garden garden

I must tend to the roses the roses
I must tend to the roses the roses
But the roses are dead

See Them now
Can you see them now

All that rage released as a flower
All that pain released as a flower
All that hate released

Don't forget the digg button if you like my song ------->



Mr. New Dilemma said...

Still dig your vibe. I would critique parts but I'm not sure how you'd feel about that so I'll just say it was good. (my critique would have been on the sound of the production, not the song itself)

Unknown said...

thanks. yeah I had some problem with the gear on this song :)

Grimgoth said...

I write about heavy metal with a dayly music tip.

Google Translator is on the page becuase the blogg is in swedish!


Mike Golch said...

I like you new look.

Unknown said...

thanks mike. think i'm gonna stay like this for awhile :)