Monday, December 21, 2009

God is in your

Please listen to this song here (Ubetoo) (better quality)
Doing so supports me and this blog alot.


God is in your hand
God is in your face
God is in your soul
God is in your open

I saw them wander
People came and they wonder
I saw them wonder
Are they still alive and running

God is in your hand
God is in your mind

And when wrong is right
And right is wrong
You will know where I'm at

No you can not comprehend
I can not understand
But my mind is set
Yeah my mind is set


Unknown said...

May you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

I finally got around to listening to this song. It is indeed quite profound. If you don't already, I hope you come to realize where you got the lyrics of this song. When you do, nothing will be the same anymore. Well, at least in a Spiritual sense. For He may not change much about the circumstances of your life, but at least they will be put into perspective if you are willing to accept what He actually says is absolutely true.

Unknown said...

Thank you FishHawk for all your great comments. They do mean alot to me. I hope you will have a excellent 2010!

The Silver Age Sara said...

How talented you are and what profound lyrics in all of your songs.

Unknown said...

Thank you Mountain Woman! you are very kind.

Cynthia J. Coleman said...

Very interesting lyrics.

Unknown said...

Thank you CCOL4HIM